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Handacials are the new thing from LA Matrix
Hot from Hollywood is the LA Handacial or LA Hand Lift created by our leading anti-ageing LA Beautiful specialist, Rachel Dixon who...

Groundbreaking new technology from LA Erase is game-changer in tattoo removal
New treatment from the team at LA Beautiful - LA Erase Tattoo Removal Safe and effective with clear results Scar Free and non-invasive...

Is Looking Healthy Better Than Looking Younger
Skincare consumers are placing more importance on looking healthy rather than young or attractive, according to new data from ...

Sun Protection - Everything you need to know
The sun is 4.5 billion years old and is the main source of ultraviolet radiation in our environment. The sun emits two different types of...

Taking the stress away
Have you ever noticed how ‘well’ people look when they return from holiday or leave a stressful job? It is a fact that stress is very...

Men Muscling In On Facials
More MEN are asking for the 1 Hour LA Face Lift from LA Beautiful than ever before! It is said Men are from Mars and Women are fro Venus,...

What Is Collagen?
“Collagen” is a common word that’s been floating around in the anti-ageing realm for a while now. It’s easy to believe that it’s just...

Sunshine on your skin
It has long been known that excessive sun and ultraviolet radiation is bad for your skin. However, whilst public health campaigns have...

Press Coverage for LA Erase and news from AMWC2018
We have been inundated with enquiries from clinics, salons and tattoo studios about the LA Erase since our soft launch last week and we...

Revolutionary no-needle, natural filler in a lip-gloss launches in UK to bring radical results for p
* Cosmetic enhancer and lip gloss in one * Non-invasive with no ‘down time’. * Apply as part of a regular beauty routine * Packed with...
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